We are happy to be in school! The girls in this photo spent their choice time applying their knowledge of lines, shapes, and objects to build the structure in the background. |
We have been learning a lot about each other this September as students write their autobiographies. I modeled a first draft of my autobiography after reading and discussing samples with the class, and students are working hard on their own first drafts. We are increasing our reading stamina and are practising our cursive penmanship. Keep an eye out for spelling lists coming home, as I plan to send the first lists beginning of October. In Math, our focus has been on review of key concepts including place value, numbers, digits, and writing numbers in standard, expanded, and written form. The students have also been introduced to mental math games that give them opportunities to master their basic addition facts. We have continued with the same themes in our other subject areas, as well as learning about the W.I.T.S. program in Health. Two of our students, Liam and Kate, were the Team Bloggers this past week, so please continue reading for their highlight of the last week! As always, please feel welcome to comment on our posts!
Playing Jedi |
In gym we played a new game called Jedi. It's where someone on your team is the Jedi and he\she has to get you up off the ground when you get hit with a dodge ball and you don't want to get the Jedi noticed by the other team. Liam and Kate were on different teams. Kate has a broken collar bone that week so she didn't really have much playing time. The game went on forever. Liam's team won in the end. Thank you :)