We finished another week of learning and have a few highlights to share. Our focus in math problem solving has been exploring different units of measurement, such as metres and centimetres. Students have been working through routine math problems individually and in pairs and have engaged with open ended problems in small groups. We are also learning what a "good problem solver" does.
We have concluded our introduction to Growth Mindset using the Class Dojo video series. Miss Cichosz will review these ideas with us through mini lessons during the year. To illustrate how the neurons of our brains make connections, we crumpled scrap paper and outlined the creases with marker. Later, we wrote fixed mindset statements, such as, "I can't do math," and changed them to growth mindset statements, such as, "I can learn to do math as long as I keep trying." We learned that our neurons make more connections and we become smarter when we challenge ourselves! We're looking forward to a new week of seeking challenges!