We have been working hard on mental math strategies, problem solving, and a new writing project. As a class, we are writing a shared persuasive piece to convince people to come to Linwood School. Once we publish this piece, it will be displayed in the school office for visitors to read! Students are also working on individual writing pieces. Each student chose a place in Canada and is writing a persuasive piece to convince readers to visit or live in the author's chosen place.
We have also worked on our dream paintings, backpack projects in French, as well as holiday themed activities. Our student team bloggers, Liam and Ruby, have a highlight to share with you from mid-December:
This week we learned about light in science. There are three different types of light: transparent, translucent, and opaque. We also had jungle gym and, "I was shaking Liam, Sophia, and Nathan off a net." said Ruby, "It was the funniest thing ever." Liam said, "I was scared, but it was fun. I thought I was going to fall." Liam had the funniest face ever!!!!!!!
Thursday, 17 December 2015
Friday, 4 December 2015
Science and Social Studies Links
Habitat Diorama Videos
Photos from Assiniboine Park
Light Video
*The last link for the light video has been fixed!
Photos from Assiniboine Park
Light Video
*The last link for the light video has been fixed!
Thursday, 3 December 2015
Winter Concert Lyrics
These lyrics for the Winter Concert have been posted so that students can practice at home. Any questions, please ask our Music teacher, Mrs. Versteeg, who sent the lyrics to me for posting. The lyrics below include the songs for Grade 4/5 and the choir.
GRADE 4/5 SONG LYRICS Here Comes the Snow
Here comes the snow.
fallin' down.
It's fallin' gently upon the ground.
comes the snow. It's fallin' down.
It leaves a blanket Upon the ground, ground, ground.
snow, snow, snow!
Snow, snow, snow, snow!
Snow, snow, snow, snow!
snow, snow, snow!
the flakes of white are falling down on us tonight.
in by the fireside or bundle up and go outside.
the road upon a sleigh,
just having fun this winter day.
a hill upon a sled then snuggle in a winter bed.
down, down, down, down.
down, down, down.
O, Ilaw (O, Light)
O, i-law, burning bright in the night,
Like a star, there is hope in your light.
O, i-law, I can see in your beam
Every wish I’ve wished for,
Every dream I have dreamed.
Oh! You’re my inspiration,
lighthouse in a dark sea,
Flame of hope in the
night, shining brightly for me.
Candle in my window,
you are always guiding.
You are always with me,
for you are my shining light.
You are always with me,
for you are my shining light!
End of November
Our Class Crayon Quilt Thank you, families! We had a great show of support at our Open House last week and the students were excited to share their learning. Recently, we spent time preparing for the Open House and finished our classroom community crayon quilt. We have enjoyed working with Mrs. Quinn-LaFleche, a math resource teacher in our school division, on problem solving activities, such as Math Playground, to promote logical and mathematical thinking. Check out our photos for examples and to see the group habitat dioramas our students made in Science. Our student team blogger also has an entry to share below. |
Problem Solving |
Problem Solving |
Team 15's Science Dioramas
Our student team blogger, Kryztofer, has a highlight and photo he would like to share with you:
People are ripping the downstairs wall!
The Wall by the Music Room |
You should see it, oh wait, you just did! Ha ha! Sorry, let's get back to the point: it's cool. Just so you know, they're ripping up the wall because the paste under it is melting.
Tuesday, 24 November 2015
Working on the Money Problem (first day) |
Working on the Money Problem (first and second day) |
Also, photos of students practicing their spelling words during our word work time are included in this post. Our next spelling test is Monday, November 30th!
As always, readers are encouraged to comment on our blog posts!
Our student team bloggers from last week, Xander and Avirey, wrote a highlight on November 19th:
Hello, we are the bloggers of this week. Today it snowed a lot. Today we are finishing up our autobiographies. We all made up a different animal in Science today and it was fun. Now, some of us are doing our autobiography thumbprints. Thank you for reading our blog post!
Published Autobiographies |
Wednesday, 11 November 2015
Start of November
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Our Remembrance Wreath |
Working on Writing |
Our team bloggers, Walker and Sophia, have a highlight from last week: Last week we had T.I.A. with Claudia Evans-Menard. We made an art piece called Dreamscape. We had a Health test on Wednesday and we also had Library on Wednesday. We had a Science test on Thursday and T.I.A. again. Friday, we had T.I.A. and picture re-takes. Everyone's paintings look great and awesome!
Viewing the Artist's Artwork |
Painting our Practice Pieces |
Outlining the Colour Values in Our Practice Pieces |
Painting our Final Pieces |
Demonstration of Outlining on a Final Piece |
Painting and Outlining Our Final Pieces |
Monday, 2 November 2015
Happy Halloween!
Our student team bloggers, Sara and Zyron, wrote about our Friday Halloween celebration last week:
Last Friday we had a happy Halloween because after lunch we had a parade. It was fun. My favorite costume was Slenderman (Zyron). After recess, we had a party. There was a lot of food like cupcakes, jello, and juice. We had a lot of fun.
Last Friday we had a happy Halloween because after lunch we had a parade. It was fun. My favorite costume was Slenderman (Zyron). After recess, we had a party. There was a lot of food like cupcakes, jello, and juice. We had a lot of fun.
Halloween fun |
Late October
Working on our dioramas |
Our student team bloggers, Kaleb and Tipay, wrote an entry to highlight Science work with Mrs. Rogala:
We started thinking of ideas for our diorama. It's for a habitat, like grasslands, arctic, woodlands, and the tropical rain
forest. We worked in groups and we started making them out of plasticine, paint, cotton, and pipe cleaners in pizza boxes. We liked making them and we had fun. Hope you enjoyed reading!
Wednesday, 21 October 2015
Voting |
This week in room 15, 16, and 18 we learned about government and had a school election. We had four different parties including Liberals, Conservatives, N.D.P. and Green, and those are all the parties. Every Grade 4 and 5 voted and we are still waiting for the results. We will tell you the answers when we find out. (By Izzy and Nathan).
*Update: The Conservatives were elected at Linwood School. They ran on a campaign promise of a bake sale which will benefit a charity/charities chosen by the students. Students discussed the outcomes of the school election as well as the significance of the Liberal majority government in our federal election.
In English Language Arts, students have continued to write their autobiographies and some have begun the editing process. We spent some time this last week for on-demand writing assessments. Students wrote using a writing prompt: convince your reader that Canada is a great country. I enjoyed reading the students writing and found the assessment to be a helpful tool in identifying student writing goals for the school year. In Math, we are working on problem-solving routines as well as math centers to practice fast facts and develop our math vocabulary. In French, we are reading our first basic books and we are using those books to learn about basic sentence structures. In Health of this week we are learning about dog bite prevention and dog safety. In Visual Arts, we will finish our quilt art projects and spend some time on Halloween decorations and choice drawing. As always, our readers are welcome and encouraged to comment on our blog.
Tuesday, 13 October 2015
Start of October
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Team 15's Gratitude Tree |
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Learning about soil erosion at Assiniboine Park |
We reviewed fire prevention and safety in the home last week during Health, and I hope that students will continue this discussion with their families. Cross-country runners did a great job at their meet on Thursday! I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving weekend!
Our student team bloggers, Sarah and Gerald, wrote an entry to highlight our Science field trip last Thursday with Mrs. Rogala:
Room 15 and 4 people from 18 and 16 came with us to Assiniboine Park! On that field trip we learned a lot more about nature, parts of nature like trees, and Assiniboine River flows. We also saw a hawk's nest. We felt good walking in the forest to see different things. We also felt good sharing experiences out in the forest. We also did a play that kicked it up a little bit. Thank you for reading!
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Forest plays |
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Nature photo scavenger hunt |
Monday, 5 October 2015
End of September
Our Terry Fox Run and the Following Recess |
We have been focusing on our math centers this past week and will be practising to make sure they run smoothly this coming week. In French, we started our calendar routine and we are wrapping up our quilt art in Visual Arts.
This past week, I met with a professional artist, Claudia Evans-Menard, a former teacher who will be working with our class on a painting project in early November. I decided to change the year plan a bit because of this wonderful opportunity and will post an updated plan soon. Our dream study in English Language Arts and dream painting in Visual Arts will take place in November and December.
Our student team blogger, Dylan, has a highlight to share with you as well:
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Team 15's Terry Fox Word Graffiti |
Sunday, 27 September 2015
It's Already Autumn!
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We are happy to be in school! The girls in this photo spent their choice time applying their knowledge of lines, shapes, and objects to build the structure in the background. |
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Playing Jedi |
In gym we played a new game called Jedi. It's where someone on your team is the Jedi and he\she has to get you up off the ground when you get hit with a dodge ball and you don't want to get the Jedi noticed by the other team. Liam and Kate were on different teams. Kate has a broken collar bone that week so she didn't really have much playing time. The game went on forever. Liam's team won in the end. Thank you :)
Thursday, 24 September 2015
Starting Up
I have greatly enjoyed getting to know our wonderful class! We have been working hard to establish routines in English literacy and Math and completing academic assessments, so that I can better meet the needs of every student. The class has also been learning basic greetings in French, about personal hygiene in Health, and we have started our first major art project, our class crayon quilt. Please, check back for updates and posts from students of Team 15!
Families who would like can also access my teaching plan for the year at the following link:
Team 15 Year Plan 2015-2016
Blog readers are, as always, welcome to comment with any questions and constructive feedback!
Families who would like can also access my teaching plan for the year at the following link:
Team 15 Year Plan 2015-2016
Blog readers are, as always, welcome to comment with any questions and constructive feedback!
Wednesday, 9 September 2015
Welcome to Team 15! I am so excited to start the year with a new Grade 4/5 class! A brief introduction will be posted soon. I hope you all had a wonderful summer and are ready for a fantastic school year!
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