Wednesday 13 January 2016

Cinnamon Ornaments

Now that the winter holidays have passed we can post about the cinnamon ornaments we made without spoiling any surprises. Miss Cichosz made the ornaments at home. This took a few days, so if you're interested in making them at home read the recipe at the bottom and make them early.

We painted the ornaments and threaded ribbon through the holes the next day, after the ornaments dried. We wrapped the ornaments and gave them as holiday gifts! They smelled delicious!

If you'd like to make cinnamon ornaments at home, copy and paste the following link:

Here are some helpful tips from Miss Cichosz:

- Wear a rubber glove if you are mixing the ornament dough by hand. The mixture is very rough on the skin and can cause redness and burning. My poor skin found out the hard way!

- Mix the amount you need. You can make more or less, just start with half cinnamon and half applesauce. You will probably need to add more cinnamon to make the mixture thicken like cookie dough.

- Use cinnamon (instead of flour) to help stop your dough and rolling pin from sticking.

- Make sure you have plenty of space to place the ornaments to dry for a few days. If you don't have the space, you can dry the ornaments in the oven at 200ÂșC for about two hours. Make sure to check on them.

- Be prepared for your home to smell like cinnamon for a few days. The kitchen where you made the ornaments might have an overpowering cinnamon smell for a bit.

Happy ornament making!

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