Our Family Fun Night was a huge success! THANK YOU to all families, school staff, friends, and community members who came out to support our business, bought tickets in support, or made a donation. Last week, we finished some final preparations leading up to the event, such as making signs, counting out our cash float for the refreshments stand, assembling door prizes, and choosing a hand stamp for guests. We set up on Thursday, May 5th, about an hour before Family Fun Night was set to start, reviewed our jobs for the event, and finished setting up early. During the event, we really came together as a team and Miss Cichosz is extremely proud of us and all the hard work we did!
We had a great turnout with many families and some school and division staff coming out to play fun games and enjoy some refreshments, plus our business partner, Ms. Smith, our friends at the Learning Partnership (Laurie Sodomlak and Jim Beveridge), and Heather Bush from the Career Development Department of our school division. Thank you to Mrs. Rogala, Mrs. McDonald, and our parent volunteers (Ms. Jonasson, Mrs. Burnett, and Mrs. Unlayao) for helping out at the event. Also thank you to everyone who helped us clean up after the event! A special thank you to Ms. Smith for donating our first door prize (a craft party pack won by Monica Penner) and for working with us throughout our business project. For our second door prize (won by a student): thank you to Mrs. Bigold for donating a gift card from High Tea Bakery, Mrs. Rogala for donating freezies, and Miss Cichosz for donating popcorn and a basket. Thank you to Monica and Jon Penner (friends of Miss Cichosz) for lending us their giant homemade Kerplunk and Jenga games and to everyone who brought in games. Thank you to Mrs. Atilano for a donation of chips and Mrs. Hay for a donation of candy kabobs. Thank you to Michelle Frost, from Manitoba Underdogs, for her support and donation made on behalf of our class. We couldn't have been so successful without the support of so many people!
We counted the cash from ticket sales, refreshments sales, and donations on Friday, May 6th and Miss Cichosz showed us how to fill out a money deposit slip and.... WE RAISED OVER $1 000 FOR MANITOBA UNDERDOGS! We plan to raise even more funds in the coming weeks as we have snacks and drinks leftover to sell at recess. We also have $100 left from our subsidy and will decide how to spend that money as a team. Most of the money we raised came from ticket and refreshment sales (over $800 in cash) and the rest came from donations. Thanks again for supporting such a worthy cause! We had a wonderful experience and we're all so excited about our work and the showcase coming up on May 25th!
Finishing signs and counting out the cash float - Refreshment Team |
Final signs and tasks and our site map |
Door prize # 1 won by Monica Penner (Miss C.'s friend who let us use her giant Kerplunk and Jenga and bought tickets in support of our Family Fun Night, which Miss C. held for the draw) |
We counted the cash! |