We explored shapes and space using pattern blocks. Our goal was to build a shape using specific criteria (such as number or types of blocks) and the pattern blocks available to us. This exploration helped us to begin understanding the term "area" before tackling problems that involve finding the area of a space.
We completed surveys about our intelligences, graphed and discussed our results, and decided on our strongest strengths. Some of us are reflecting on our strengths or we were absent, so we will add our names to our intelligence chart (shown below) this coming week. We will use this chart to find peer helpers during the school year as each person signed up under one of his/her strongest strengths.
We published our Class Treaty after writing the drafts together. Our treaty will guide our choices and actions throughout the school year. Those of us in attendance signed the treaty as a sign of our commitment and the rest of us will sign next week.
We also worked on Read to Someone after successful practice of Read to Self. Our class is doing a great job of focusing on our reading and we're beginning to share strategies and book recommendations with each other.
In September, our class focused on building community, understanding multiple intelligences (different ways people can be smart) and growth mindset, and increasing our focus. We will review these concepts during the school year and use them as a foundation for our learning. Let's get to more learning in October!
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