Friday, 13 October 2017

Link for School Song During Remembrance Day Service at Linwood

Happy listening!  

This is My Wish by Christie Marshall 

A Great Week!

We had a short week, but we learned a lot! Last week we finished our Thanksgiving cards that we started with our Grade 1 buddies. This week we made a gratitude tree together. Each of us decorated circles and wrote something we're thankful for inside each circle to go on the tree.

In Math we worked more with perimeter and area. In our problem, "36 Fences," we were given a perimeter of 36 metres and had to make a horse corral that would have the smallest and largest area. We drew miniature corrals and used pieces of q-tips to build them on giant grid paper. The shape with the largest area was a circle! The shape with the smallest area was irregular, which means it doesn't share all the attributes of a regular shape like a circle, rectangle, square or more. We also talked about how making a mistake, and even failing at something (like making a shape that doesn't work for the problem), is actually great because it means we're learning!

We also started a clay project with a professional artist named Donna. She showed us some clay creations and explained how clay is porous, which means it soaks up water like a sponge. When we make our own clay pieces we will paint them with glaze and the clay will soak it up! We are going to make texture paintings using clay and glaze of wild animals to connect to our study of habitats and communities in Science. We planned our pieces on paper during this session and cut out pieces like a sewing pattern, except we won't be sewing! Next time we will trace the paper pattern onto our clay and cut our pieces to make our animals. We will paint the clay with glaze (special clay paint) the next day. Donna will take the art to fire (heat up) in the kiln and the glaze will become shiny like glass!

Choice time was fun and amazing. We didn't have choice time last week because we saved up an hour of choice time to use today! We played inside and outside and had a great time with our friends! Looking forward to more fun and learning next week!

Math Year Plan

Below is the Math Plan for 2017 -18 for Team 15. I haven't posted until now as I typically like to teach for about a month to determine the needs of the class before finalizing the year plan. Families are invited to take a look and contact me with any questions. I'd be happy to address any concerns over the phone or by meeting in person.

Math Outline 2017-2018
Team 15 – Grade 4/5
M. Rosney

Knowledge & Understanding (Number Sense & Concepts)
* Represent, describe, and order numbers (working toward 10 000 for Grade 4 and 1 000 000 for Grade 5)
* Measure length, width, and height in mm., cm., and m. and explain which to select
* Solve problems involving perimeter of rectangles
* Identify and sort quadrilaterals according to their attributes (rectangle, square, trapezoid, parallelogram, rhombus)
* First hand versus second hand data (statistics)

Mental Math & Estimation (Strategies & Basic Facts)
* Add & subtract up to 10 000 (standard algorithm, expanded form, jump on number line, friendly numbers)
* Estimate sums & differences
* Repeated doubling strategy
* Connect personal strategies


Knowledge & Understanding (Number Sense & Concepts)
* Represent, describe, and order numbers
* Fraction review: situations in which a fraction is a whole divided into equal parts
* Balancing single step equations (missing number)
* Explore area of regular and irregular 2-D shapes understand that area is measured in square units
* Identify and sort quadrilaterals according to their attributes (rectangle, square, trapezoid, parallelogram, rhombus)
* Probability (ratios) vocab: impossible, possible, certain, less likely, equally likely, more likely

Mental Math & Estimation (Strategies & Basic Facts)
* Add & subtract up to 10 000
* Estimate sums & differences
* Double and add one group
* Connect personal strategies


Knowledge & Understanding (Number Sense & Concepts)
* Represent, describe, and order numbers
* Fraction review: compare fractions with like denominators within one whole (e.g. pie, bar, array)
* Write equations and use symbol for unknown number
* Explore area of regular and irregular 2-D shapes understand that area is measured in square units
* Describe and provide examples of edges and faces of 3-D objects and 2-D shapes (parallel, intersecting, perpendicular, vertical, and horizontal)

Mental Math & Estimation (Strategies & Basic Facts)
* Add & subtract up to 10 000
* Front end rounding
* Repeated doubling
* Connect personal strategies


Knowledge & Understanding (Number Sense & Concepts)
* Represent, describe, and order numbers
* Fractions: name, record, and order for parts of whole
* Multiplication arrays and other representations
(both single digits - connect to area)
* Continue pattern found in table or chart with concrete materials
* Solve equation problems with symbols or letters representing unknown number
* Solve problems involving perimeter and area of rectangles given perimeter, area, or both

Mental Math & Estimation (Strategies & Basic Facts)
* Review add & subtract
* Front end rounding
* Doubling and halving strategy
* Multiply: property of 0 and 1
* Connect personal strategies


Knowledge & Understanding (Number Sense & Concepts)
* Represent, describe, and order numbers
* Fractions: name, record, and order for parts of set
* Multiplication arrays and other representations
(single by double digits)
* Multiply and divide 1 by 2 digits (standard algorithm and estimation)
* Patterns in tables and charts
* Solve equation problems with single unknowns
* Solve problems involving perimeter and area of rectangles given perimeter, area, or both

Mental Math & Estimation (Strategies & Basic Facts)
* Review add & subtract
* Compensation estimation
* Skip counting from known fact
* Connect personal strategies


Knowledge & Understanding (Number Sense & Concepts)
* Represent, describe, and order numbers
* Fractions: different wholes and different quantities (same recorded fraction)
* Multiply and divide 1 by 3 digits (standard algorithm and estimation)
* Patterns in multiplication charts
* Solve problems involving volume and constructing rectangular prisms
* Line symmetry and transformations of 2-D shapes; perform, draw, and describe (translation, rotation, reflection)

Mental Math & Estimation (Strategies & Basic Facts)
* Review add & subtract
* Compensation estimation
* Patterns in the 9s facts
* Connect personal strategies


Knowledge & Understanding (Number Sense & Concepts)
* Represent, describe, and order numbers
* Fractions: equivalent sets and compare like and unlike denominators
* Decimals: relate to fractions
* Multiply and divide 2 by 2 digits (standard algorithm and estimation)
* Determine pattern rules to make predictions
* Solve problems involving volume and constructing rectangular prisms
* Construct triangular prisms

Mental Math & Estimation (Strategies & Basic Facts)
* Review add & subtract
* Review estimation
* Multiply distributive property
* Connect personal strategies


Knowledge & Understanding (Number Sense & Concepts)
* Represent, describe, and order numbers
* Decimals: describe, represent, order, and add to tenths
*Multiply and divide 2 by 3 digits (standard algorithm and estimation)
* Determine pattern rules to make predictions
* Solve problems involving volume using mL and L
* Pictographs and single bar graphs (many-to-one correspondence)

Mental Math & Estimation (Strategies & Basic Facts)
* Review add & subtract
* Compatible numbers estimate
* Multiply annexing & returning zeroes
* Connect personal strategies


Knowledge & Understanding (Number Sense & Concepts)
* Represent, describe, and order numbers
* Decimals: describe, represent, order, add, subtract to hundredths
* Multiply and divide 1 or 2 digits by 4 digits (standard algorithm and estimation)
* Make own patterns in tables and charts
* Solve problems involving volume using mL and L
* Double bar graphs

Mental Math & Estimation (Strategies & Basic Facts)
* Review add & subtract
* Compatible numbers estimate
* Estimate products & quotients
* Connect personal strategies


Knowledge & Understanding (Number Sense & Concepts)
* Represent, describe, and order numbers
* Decimals: describe, represent, order to thousandths; equivalent decimals
* Review operations
* Read and record time using digital and analog clocks including 24-hour clocks

Mental Math & Estimation (Strategies & Basic Facts)
* Review add & subtract
* Review estimation
* Review math strategies

Friday, 6 October 2017

Amazing Autumn

These pictures are from many school days over the previous weeks. We've done math problems involving measuring, perimeter, and area. Plus, we played math games. We learned about maps of Canada and we are working on making our own classroom maps. Also, we read a book called "Gray Wolf's Search" and recorded what we saw, heard, thought, felt, and wondered. Thinking about our reading helps us to understand it better. We earned, saved up choice time minutes, and decided to play outside. We hope you enjoy looking at all these photos! Happy Thanksgiving!

Working on Rectangle Construction
Shape Mystery - Drawing Shapes with the Same Perimeter and Finding Different Areas
Shape Mystery
Literacy Station - Reading
Outdoor Choice Time - We Saved Up Over an Hour!

Working on Our Repeated Doubling Math Strategy

Making Maps of Our Classroom
Canadian Geography - Making a map of Canada

Assembling our Canada Map
Making our Canada map was challenging!

Learning About Provinces, Territories, and the Distances Between Capital Cities

Thinking Deeply About Reading - Using the See/Hear/Think/Feel/Wonder Strategy with "Gray Wolf's Search"